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Workshops and Events 

Leadership/Conflict Resolution/Body Image/Dating and Relationships/Friendships and Bullying/Self-Esteem and Confidence/Stress Management/College Readiness 

Kelli's workshops are designed to be learner-centered and engaging.  With the perfect balance of direct presentation and audience participation, workshops are activity driven and typically range in length from 60-120 minutes. Participants exercise tangible tools and strategies in order to deepen their learning and take positive action.



In order to affect change on their own lives, and the community at large, adolescents must master the 5 principles of leadership. This workshop offers a turn key package of tools and strategies for cultivating the next generation of leaders. 


Conflict Resolution

In order to break the cycle of backstabbing and gossiping, this workshop teaches young women to identify their friendship needs, advocate for themselves in both personal and professional situations, and resolve conflict effectively with respect and dignity.


Confident and Unstoppable

Radiate a confident, relaxed and vibrant presence that engages, inspires & creates buy-in with influential people, Create credibility and trust with those in decision-making positions, including potential supervisors, decision makers and university officials. Learn how to make a solid, confident impression. Develop rapport easily with anyone, including adult leaders and peers. Become a role model of leadership and proactive change for any organization. 

College Readiness

After a senior year of obsessing about getting accepted, your child is finally heading off to college! But what happens when he or she gets there?! Roommate nightmares, freshman 15, social anxiety, homesickness… the list goes on and on. This comprehensive workshop prepares teens and parents for the inevitable challenges of transitioning to life in college.


Dating & Relationships: Hook-Ups, Make-Ups and Break-Ups

 A discussion based workshop that identifies challenges in intimate relationships and focuses on strategies for navigating difficult situations.


How to Dress Like a Boss

Do you feel frustrated by your clothes every morning as you dress, and wish you had a better sense of “style? Change the way you dress, shop for clothes, and show up in the world! In this fun and interactive session learn easy tips for shopping for clothes, finding your own personal style and looking and feeling your best at all times. 

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