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  • Writer's picturemycoachkelli

Create the Life You Deserve

Checked off my bucket list. Exploring Turks and Caicos by Vespa.

One year from now you will wish you had started.

1. Stop wondering what you want and figure it out right now. Create a vision for your ideal life. Write it down and leave nothing out. Think big.

2. Set bold, ambitious goals that push you outside your comfort zone. Pick one thing you can do today and do it. Do this again and again reaching new goals each day or week. Keep going abd don;t give up.

3. Find your confidence to take action. Believe in yourself. This may be hard. If you’re having confidence problems, find out why. Is it because your goals are bold and you’re scared? Is it because you don’t know where to start? Perhaps you just need someone to help push you in the right direction? Whatever the reason, take action to correct it. Get out the passenger seat of your own life.

4. Take charge. Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Move forth with the confidence of knowing you can and will be great. In the end, you are responsible for finding and creating your own happiness in this life. Only you. In the end, you are responsible for finding and creating your own happiness in this life.

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