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  • Writer's picturemycoachkelli

Attitudes Are Contagious, Is Yours Worth Catching?

Make your days happy and energizing, fun and enjoyable!

Have you ever noticed that when you are around someone who is pessimistic, negative and has a ‘can’t be bothered’ attitude, that after a while you begin feeling tired, drained and negative yourself? Negative can people drag you down. Conversely, spend time with someone who has a positive outlook is optimistic and up for a challenge, and you feel motivated, inspired and want to do more.

Our attitudes influence our actions. When we act in a negative way towards others we tend not to get the results we are looking for. Our attitudes are the mental filters through which we choose to view our world. Keep in mind that every day is your day. You must take complete control over how you decide to view what is happening in your day. Make it the way you want it to be. Make your days happy and energizing, fun and enjoyable.

Yes, it's true, other people may have bad attitudes and that may have an effect on the atmosphere you find yourself in at work or at home, but you have the ability to select your filter and view your world from your positive stand point rather than their negative one.

Look for the good in situations. When you are confronted by a negative situation, or a crisis that is in full flow, stop…think…and remember, you have a choice to make and your choice of attitude and resulting actions will determine the outcome. You have the power to choose your results by selecting the right attitude and actions. You can choose to react (negative) or you can choose to respond (positive). Focus on developing an attitude of gratitude, look at yourself in the mirror each morning and decide that for the whole day ahead, you will look to share the positive side of every situation. Welcome the challenges as opportunities to test your positive attitude. Remember, life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you choose to deal with what happens. Attitudes are contagious, let yours be a positive energizing one that everyone wants to catch.

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1 comentario

John Mitchell
John Mitchell
16 ago

You are such an inspirational thought leader who incorporates emotional intelligence in your articles

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